Stage 73- Ghanzi to Buitepos Namibia
208km, 27.9 kph, 7:29 hrs (Note: average includes 3km of soft sand road and 15km dirt road)
Average heart rate 130bpm
Longest day on trip for mileage about 140 miles. I give in kilometers because that is what we are working in. To convert just multiply kilometers by .67.
I decided to give this one my best and rode hard by myself almost all day. I arrived at the Namibian border at about 1:45 and was pleased. I rode the last 20 kilometers with David.
The border crossing was smooth. Into camp, shower, laundry, tent up, SIMM card, Ice cream and a few snap shots of the local woman in their beautiful outfits and hats. I also interviewed a San (slang for bushman) a distinctive group of natives, characterized by their small size and clicking language.
Now it’s time to meditate, rest up and catch up on blog.
The longest day
Tree with flower circle
Average for stage 73 notice bling
Botswana woman
Local Namibian Woman
Local Namibian Woman in standard dress
Butterfly clip in slow motion
Local San girl greets USA from Namibia, notice clicking words